
Immuno|blạst [↑immun u. ↑...blast] m; -en, -en (meist Mehrz.): Lymphoblasten, die Antigenkontakt hatten; sie verlassen den Kreislauf und verbleiben im lymphatischen Gewebe.

Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke. 2013.

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  • Immunoblast — An immunoblast is a lymphocyte that has been activated by an antigen, which will further undergo clonal expansion to increase the number of lymphocytes capable of binding to that antigen. Immunoblasts are the most immature members of the… …   Wikipedia

  • immunoblast — noun A stem cell of lymphoid tissue …   Wiktionary

  • immunoblast — An antigenically stimulated lymphocyte; a large cell with well defined basophilic cytoplasm, a large nucleus with prominent nuclear membrane, distinct nucleoli, and clumped chromatin. SEE ALSO: lymphoblast, lymphocyte transformation. [ …   Medical dictionary

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