
flatulẹntus, ...ta, ...tum [zu ↑Flatus]:
auf Gasbildung in Magen oder Darm zurückzuführen; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Colica flatulenta.

Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke. 2013.

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  • flatulent — flatulence, flatulency, n. flatulently, adv. /flach euh leuhnt/, adj. 1. generating gas in the alimentary canal, as food. 2. attended with, caused by, or suffering from such an accumulation of gas. 3. having unsupported pretensions; inflated and… …   Universalium

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  • flatulent — (adj.) 1590s, from M.Fr. flatulent, from Mod.L. flatulentus, from L. flatus a blowing, a breaking wind, pp. of flare to blow, puff, which is cognate with O.E. blawan (see BLOW (Cf. blow) (v.1)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • flatulent — [ flatjʊl(ə)nt] adjective 1》 suffering from or marked by an accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal. 2》 inflated or pretentious in speech or writing. Derivatives flatulence noun flatulency noun flatulently adverb Origin C16: via Fr. from mod …   English new terms dictionary

  • flatulencija — flatulèncija ž DEFINICIJA fiziol. nadimanje, rastezanje želuca ili crijeva plinovima, analno ispuštanje vjetrova; meteorizam, ispuštanje vjetrova, prđenje ETIMOLOGIJA nlat. flatulentus: napuhnut ≃ lat. flatus: vjetar …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • flatulent — flat•u•lent [[t]ˈflætʃ ə lənt[/t]] adj. 1) pat having an accumulation of gas in the intestinal tract 2) generating such gas 3) pompous; turgid • Etymology: 1590–1600; < NL flātulentus; see flatus flat′u•lent•ly, adv …   From formal English to slang

  • flatulent — [flach′ə lənt] adj. [Fr < ModL flatulentus < L flatus: see FLATUS] 1. of or having gas in the stomach or intestines 2. producing gas in the stomach or intestines, as certain foods 3. windy or empty in speech; pompous; pretentious flatulence …   English World dictionary

  • flatulent — adj. 1 a causing formation of gas in the alimentary canal. b caused by or suffering from this. 2 (of speech etc.) inflated, pretentious. Derivatives: flatulence n. flatulency n. flatulently adv. Etymology: F f. mod.L flatulentus (as FLATUS) …   Useful english dictionary

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