Fetal distress — ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D005316 In medicine (obstetrics), fetal distress is the presence of signs in a pregnant woman mdash;before or during childbirth mdash;that the fetus is not well or is becoming… … Wikipedia
Fetal distress — Compromise of the fetus during the antepartum period (before labor) or intrapartum period (birth process). The term fetal distress is commonly used to describe fetal hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the fetus). The concern with fetal hypoxia is it… … Medical dictionary
Fetal Distress — Fe|tal Dis|tress* [ fi:tl̩ di strɛs] das; <aus gleichbed. engl. fetal distress, eigtl. »fetale Not«> zusammenfassende Bez. für die Gefährdungen, die dem Fetus bzw. Neugeborenen vor, während u. nach der Geburt drohen (Med.); vgl. ↑Maternal… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
fetal distress — noun an abnormal condition of a fetus; usually discovered during pregnancy and characterized by an abnormal heart rhythm • Syn: ↑foetal distress • Hypernyms: ↑abnormality, ↑abnormalcy … Useful english dictionary
Fetal surgery — Intervention ICD 9 CM 75.36 Fetal surgery is any of a broad range of surgical techniques that are used to treat birth defects in fetuses who are still in the pregnant uterus. Open fetal surgery involves comple … Wikipedia
Fetal echocardiography — provides a valuable means to better understand intrauterine growth and development of the heart and great vessels. The prenatal diagnosis of structural heart disease and the physiologic evaluation of fetal arrhythmias are perhaps the most… … Wikipedia
distress — Mental or physical suffering or anguish. [L. distringo, to draw asunder] fetal d. SYN: nonreassuring fetal status. * * * Dispatch Stent Restenosis Study * * * dis·tress dis tres n pain or suffering affecting the body, a bodily part, or the mind… … Medical dictionary
Maternal Distress — Ma|ter|nal Dis|tress* [mə tə:nl di stres] das; <aus gleichbed. engl. maternal distress, eigtl. »mütterliche Not«> zusammenfassende Bez. für die Gefährdungen, die der Mutter während u. nach einer Geburt drohen (Med.); vgl. ↑Fetal Distress … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Maternal distress — Maternal di|stress [metö̱rnel dißtrạ̈ß; engl. = mütterliche Not] s; : zusammenfassende Bez. für die Gefährdungen, die der Mutter während einer Geburt drohen; vgl. auch Fetal distress … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
foetal distress — noun an abnormal condition of a fetus; usually discovered during pregnancy and characterized by an abnormal heart rhythm • Syn: ↑fetal distress • Hypernyms: ↑abnormality, ↑abnormalcy … Useful english dictionary