
Er|rhi̱num [zu gr. ἐν = in, innerhalb u. gr. ϱ̔ίς, Gen.: ϱ̔ινός = Nase] s; -s, ...rhi̱na: Nasen-, Schnupfmittel, Mittel zur Förderung der Nasenschleimhautsekretion

Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke. 2013.

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  • Errhinum — Er|rhi|num, das; s, [griech. érrhīnon = Niesmittel, zu: rhís (Gen.: rhinós) = Nase] <meist Pl.> (Med.): Nasen , Schnupfenmittel …   Universal-Lexikon

  • errhine — /er uyn, er in/, Med. adj. 1. designed to be snuffed into the nose. 2. occasioning discharges from the nose. n. 3. a medicine to be snuffed up the nostrils to promote sneezing and increased discharges. [1595 1605; < NL errhinum < Gk érrinon] * *… …   Universalium

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  • er|rhine — «EHR yn, ihn», noun. a medicine causing or tending to cause nasal discharges and sneezing, especially so as to clear the nasal passages. ╂[< New Latin errhinum < Greek érrhīnon < en in + rh , rh nose] …   Useful english dictionary

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