Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:
elastoid — elas·toid (e lasґtoid) a substance formed by the hyaline degeneration of the internal elastic lamina of blood vessels; seen in the vessels of the uterus after delivery … Medical dictionary
Elastoid — Elas|to|id das; [e]s, e vgl. ↑...oid> Grundsubstanz des elastischen Gewebes, die infolge von Altersveränderungen ihre Elastizität verloren hat (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
elastoid degeneration — 1. hyaline degeneration of the elastic tissue of arteries. 2. elastosis (def. 2) … Medical dictionary
elastosis — 1. Degenerative change in elastic tissue. 2. Degeneration of collagen fibers, with altered staining properties resembling elastic tissue. SYN: elastoid degeneration (1), elastotic degeneration. e. colloidalis conglomerata SYN: colloid milium … Medical dictionary
degeneration — 1. Deterioration; passing from a higher to a lower level or type. 2. A worsening of mental, physical, or moral qualities. 3. A retrogressive pathologic change in cells or tissues, in consequence of which their functions are often impaired or… … Medical dictionary
Elastoidosis cutanea nodularis — Elasto|ido̱sis cuta̱nea nodula̱ris [zu ↑Elastoid] w; , ...do̱ses ...neae ...res: Degeneration der elastischen Hautschichten mit Auftreten von gelbweißen Hautknötchen (u. Mitessern an den Kuppen) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke