- Angioblast
- An|gio|blạst [↑angio... u. ↑...blast] m; -en, -en (meist Mehrz.): Endothelzellen der Kapillaren, aus denen neue Gefäße hervorgehen
Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke. 2013.
Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke. 2013.
angioblast — ANGIOBLÁST s. n. celulă primitivă mezenchimală din care se formează vasele şi celulele sangvine ale embrionului. (< fr. angioblaste) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Angioblast — Blood vessels first make their appearance in several scattered vascular areas that are developed simultaneously between the entoderm and the mesoderm of the yolk sac, i. e., outside the body of the embryo. Here a new type of cell, the angioblast… … Wikipedia
angioblast — angioblastic, adj. /an jee euh blast /, n. Embryol. one of several mesenchymal cells capable of developing into the endothelium of the blood vessels. [ANGIO + BLAST] * * * … Universalium
angioblast — noun A cell that differentiates into blood cells and endothelium within an embryo … Wiktionary
angioblast — 1. A cell taking part in blood vessel formation. SYN: vasoformative cell. 2. Primordial mesenchymal tissue from which embryonic blood cells and vascular endotheliu … Medical dictionary
Angioblast — An|gio|blast* der; en, en (meist Plur.) <zu gr. blastós »Spross, Trieb«> Endothelzellen der ↑Kapillaren, aus denen neue Gefäße hervorgehen (Med.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
angioblast — n. embryonic tissue which develops into blood vessels (Embryology) … English contemporary dictionary
angioblast — an·gi·o·blast … English syllables
angioblast — … Useful english dictionary
vasoformative cell — angioblast (def. 2) … Medical dictionary